Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Welcome to the Gun Show.

We meet again!

After a weird day at work and several hours of debating on whether or not to reschedule my workout with BW, I got my booty to the gym. For whatever reason I just did not want to go to the gym. My bed was calling my name all day... In the end I'm glad a plucked up and went to the gym. I had a great workout!

BW even told me that before too long I won't be able to wear my cut off shirts out in public anymore... BECAUSE OF MY GUNS! He told me the cops would be after me.

He also said that he has set a goal for me, to do a few pull ups... Now, I have never done a true pull up in my life. The only pull up I could do was the first one, from the jump off the chair. So yeah. Watch out pull up bar, I'm coming for you!

I have also signed up for my second 5k!!!! It's the Color Me Rad 5k in St. Louis in July! If you want to join me let me know! It's sure to be a blast!

 I'm looking forward to getting a good run in tomorrow, hopefully before the nasty weather rolls in.

Have a great one!

1 comment:

  1. The elusive strict pull-up is one of my goals, too! I currently have kipping pull-ups and assisted strict, but still working towards the real thing.

    And congrats on signing up for another 5K! I think one of the scariest things about doing races is that moment right before you hit the "submit" button. You go, girl!
