Monday, April 1, 2013

Kermit the Frog Arms

Today was an arms, back, and chest day. And man am I feeling it. I literally have little control over my amazon arms right now they are so sore. Driving home from the gym... torture. Washing my hair... hysterically horrible. (I had to prop my arms on the side of the shower and just move my head around wildly, I can't make this stuff up.) So, I feel like Kermit the Frog with noodle arm syndrome.

It was a really great workout though! After a rough night and a frustrating morning my workout is what got me through the day. It completely turned it around, so thankfully I can end today on a very high note.

Now, when I say it was a great workout I don't mean it was easy. Because it was rough! I definitely had my ego busted a bit. Back in high school I was used to being a BEAST in the gym. Lifting the most weight was my thing, I prided myself on it. Well, I am basically starting from the ground up. When I was getting tired and struggling to lift the really light weights I got pretty upset. I've been in denial for a long time as to how far I've let myself go. But as BW said, we are building the foundation right now and the weight I'm lifting isn't the main point. I'm ready to get this foundation hella sturdy and ready to go!

BW also gave me homework.... I have to log 10 miles this week. Now, my track record with homework is not great. I put the PRO in procrastination. I have mastered the art of writing a 10 page paper in one night, but running 10 miles in one night, HELL NO! So I will be starting on this homework tomorrow!


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