Sunday, March 31, 2013

 Hello World!

I never thought I would be one to blog. But if I have learned anything in my 25 years of life, it is to never say never. So, I have decided to share my journey back to the land of fitness with you. I hope you enjoy.

A little bit about me...
I am 25 years old, just trying to survive this so called "adulthood". As for my fitness... Ummm. Yeah. Up until about a month ago it was virtually nonexistent. In high school I was involved in almost every sport offered. I played basketball, softball, and ran track. I played one year of college basketball, in which I was in the best shape of my life. When that run ended unexpectedly, so did my motivation to do anything physical. Throughout the rest of college I made half ass attempts to get back into shape. At one point I even bought a gym membership, which I used maybe 3 times. So, for the last 5 or so years exercise and fitness haven't been a part of my life. So what changed?

I have always enjoyed working out, sweating, and pushing my body to it's limits. I was just running very low on motivation and purpose. Well, I just got to the point where I miss being active, I hate being out of breath walking up a flight of stairs, and I absolutely refuse to buy clothes in a bigger size. It was time for a life change.

About a month ago I signed up for a 5k with some friends. I thought I would be able to train on my own for it. Hahahaha. No! After getting the catch phrase for a local gym stuck in my head I decided to check it out. I loved it and signed up. I also decided to sign up for a personal trainer. It was honestly one of the best decisions I've made in a long time.

As of now, I've worked out with my trainer, who we'll call BW, for 3 weeks. My first 5k is just under 4 weeks away. I feel great and am super excited to see just where this journey takes me.

I should also note that the last time I ran anywhere close to 3 miles my basketball coach was following me in a bus, honking at me...

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thanks for reading!
