Sunday, October 27, 2013

Has it really been 3 months since my last post? Dang...

        So, apparently I have fallen down on the job of blogging. Sorry y'all. But not to fear, I'm back now! And boy have I got some crazy developments to share.

#1. Literally just 3 minutes ago I registered for my first half marathon! Gahhhhh!

Now, I have never in my life ran further than 5 miles at once... So yeah. GO BIG OR GO HOME.

#2. I'm doing Whole30!

I'm currently on day 6 and going strong! If you don't know what Whole30 is I highly suggest you check it out!

Basically it's no grains, no dairy, no legumes, no sugar. A paleo program on steroids. Lots of meat and veggies!

This is basically the exact opposite of how I had been eating. It has been some what of a shock to my system. I had one hell of a food hangover on days 2 and 3. It really made me realize just how crappy I had been eating. This is also the most cooking I have ever done in my life. And one thing I didn't realize what happens when you cook a lot... SO MANY DISHES! I feel like all I do is cook and do dishes.

Me a year ago would think that the me now has gone completely bonkers... And I'm sure some people I know now may think I've lost it.

Haters gonna hate and Taters gonna tate!

All I can say is that I am determined and feeling good. Watch out world, I am ready to dominate!