Sunday, October 27, 2013

Has it really been 3 months since my last post? Dang...

        So, apparently I have fallen down on the job of blogging. Sorry y'all. But not to fear, I'm back now! And boy have I got some crazy developments to share.

#1. Literally just 3 minutes ago I registered for my first half marathon! Gahhhhh!

Now, I have never in my life ran further than 5 miles at once... So yeah. GO BIG OR GO HOME.

#2. I'm doing Whole30!

I'm currently on day 6 and going strong! If you don't know what Whole30 is I highly suggest you check it out!

Basically it's no grains, no dairy, no legumes, no sugar. A paleo program on steroids. Lots of meat and veggies!

This is basically the exact opposite of how I had been eating. It has been some what of a shock to my system. I had one hell of a food hangover on days 2 and 3. It really made me realize just how crappy I had been eating. This is also the most cooking I have ever done in my life. And one thing I didn't realize what happens when you cook a lot... SO MANY DISHES! I feel like all I do is cook and do dishes.

Me a year ago would think that the me now has gone completely bonkers... And I'm sure some people I know now may think I've lost it.

Haters gonna hate and Taters gonna tate!

All I can say is that I am determined and feeling good. Watch out world, I am ready to dominate!

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what changes to your diet can do, even on their own! I've been eating "clean" for almost a year now and it's amazing. I do agree with you about the dishes! My strategy is to cook on Sundays...I'll spend an hour or two prepping my food for the week, which gives me less opportunities to fall off the wagon and grab the convenience items when I get rushed. Good luck to you!!
