Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Welcome to the Gun Show.

We meet again!

After a weird day at work and several hours of debating on whether or not to reschedule my workout with BW, I got my booty to the gym. For whatever reason I just did not want to go to the gym. My bed was calling my name all day... In the end I'm glad a plucked up and went to the gym. I had a great workout!

BW even told me that before too long I won't be able to wear my cut off shirts out in public anymore... BECAUSE OF MY GUNS! He told me the cops would be after me.

He also said that he has set a goal for me, to do a few pull ups... Now, I have never done a true pull up in my life. The only pull up I could do was the first one, from the jump off the chair. So yeah. Watch out pull up bar, I'm coming for you!

I have also signed up for my second 5k!!!! It's the Color Me Rad 5k in St. Louis in July! If you want to join me let me know! It's sure to be a blast!

 I'm looking forward to getting a good run in tomorrow, hopefully before the nasty weather rolls in.

Have a great one!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One Month Down

Hello again!

It has been a little over a month since I started working out with BW. Yesterday was my reevaluation workout. It wasn't too terrible, considering I had not worked out in a week. The reevaluation also meant  checking my measurements and weight... It was rough when I found out I hadn't lost any weight. But apparently in this stage it's normal not to lose any weight. With some thought and realizing how far I've come this month and how great I feel I'm ok with not losing weight yet, I know I'll get there. And measurement wise, I lost a few inches from my chest and arms and gained an inch or so in my legs. My trainer laughed and said that's exactly what he thought would happen. So apparently all the squats are working!

My first 5k is in 10 days! I'm super pumped! Yesterday BW also showed me some exercises to help my stride while running. Holy hip flexors, these exercises are awkward! Two of the names of the exercises were Clamshell and Fire Hydrant... You don't have to use much imagination to figure them out. So awkward to do in a packed gym. But I can really tell how all of the leg exercises are helping my running. I grew up thinking I was just born a lousy runner. SO NOT TRUE! I may not be the fastest creature on 2 legs, but I'm at the point where running isn't torture!

And from one runner to everyone involved and affected, my thoughts and prayers go out to those in Boston.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Taking A Step Back

After such a fantastic day on Sunday, Monday had a mind of it's own. Monday morning I got the not-so-pleasant surprise of a lovely stomach virus straight from Hell. My hopes of a fabulous Monday workout after work went out straight out the window. Instead, I got to spend my whole Monday worshiping the porcelean gods. And yesterday I was forcing liquids down my very dehydrated throat. It was horrible. Over 48 hours I lost 10 lbs. Now, I'm all for losing weight, but not this way. No way. So, now for the week my workouts are on hold as I slowly try to regain strength and get back to my normal diet. A few steps back isn't the end of the world. If anything, this has helped me realize just how much I am enjoying this journey. I was really upset that I had to cancel my workout with BW on Monday. And now I can't wait to get back in the gym! So, I shall take it easy and see how the rest of this week turns out.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Happy Sunday Funday Runday!

I decided to take advantage of this beautiful April day with a run along the river. I ran 4.5 miles rather easily and enjoyably. And with that I finished my homework for the week! Woo Hoooooo! 
It's amazing how each day it gets easier and easier and each morning I feel better and better. It is an incredible feeling. 

Tomorrow I have a session with BW after work. I can't think of a better way to start the week!

Have a great day!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why do I feel drunk when I step off the treadmill?

 Well, I finally started working on my homework... Not as soon as I would have liked, but sometimes life gets in the way. Tuesday I was busy running around town getting errands done, leaving no time for a run. And then yesterday... Yesterday was rough. After a fault in confidence and questioning if I was even going to be able to do this whole gym thing. I ended up eating a GIANT frozen yogurt and curling up into a burrito of grumpiness (my bed) and taking a 3 hour nap. But after some much needed sleep I was up and ready to go this morning! I actually went through work all day excited to go to the gym!

So, today I killed it. I ran over 3.5 miles and actually enjoyed it. In total I was on the treadmill for an hour. (And no judging my time... it's progress!) Anyways. When I stepped off the treadmill I had a little trouble adjusting to solid ground. This happens every time! Does anyone experience this phenomenon? Because I seriously feel drunk, really drunk.  And I looked around, it doesn't seem that anyone else has this big of a problem. Maybe this is just a curse I have to live with, post treadmill 30 seconds of drunk.

I meet with BW tomorrow. So you'll get to hear (or read?) how that goes. :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Kermit the Frog Arms

Today was an arms, back, and chest day. And man am I feeling it. I literally have little control over my amazon arms right now they are so sore. Driving home from the gym... torture. Washing my hair... hysterically horrible. (I had to prop my arms on the side of the shower and just move my head around wildly, I can't make this stuff up.) So, I feel like Kermit the Frog with noodle arm syndrome.

It was a really great workout though! After a rough night and a frustrating morning my workout is what got me through the day. It completely turned it around, so thankfully I can end today on a very high note.

Now, when I say it was a great workout I don't mean it was easy. Because it was rough! I definitely had my ego busted a bit. Back in high school I was used to being a BEAST in the gym. Lifting the most weight was my thing, I prided myself on it. Well, I am basically starting from the ground up. When I was getting tired and struggling to lift the really light weights I got pretty upset. I've been in denial for a long time as to how far I've let myself go. But as BW said, we are building the foundation right now and the weight I'm lifting isn't the main point. I'm ready to get this foundation hella sturdy and ready to go!

BW also gave me homework.... I have to log 10 miles this week. Now, my track record with homework is not great. I put the PRO in procrastination. I have mastered the art of writing a 10 page paper in one night, but running 10 miles in one night, HELL NO! So I will be starting on this homework tomorrow!
