Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why do I feel drunk when I step off the treadmill?

 Well, I finally started working on my homework... Not as soon as I would have liked, but sometimes life gets in the way. Tuesday I was busy running around town getting errands done, leaving no time for a run. And then yesterday... Yesterday was rough. After a fault in confidence and questioning if I was even going to be able to do this whole gym thing. I ended up eating a GIANT frozen yogurt and curling up into a burrito of grumpiness (my bed) and taking a 3 hour nap. But after some much needed sleep I was up and ready to go this morning! I actually went through work all day excited to go to the gym!

So, today I killed it. I ran over 3.5 miles and actually enjoyed it. In total I was on the treadmill for an hour. (And no judging my time... it's progress!) Anyways. When I stepped off the treadmill I had a little trouble adjusting to solid ground. This happens every time! Does anyone experience this phenomenon? Because I seriously feel drunk, really drunk.  And I looked around, it doesn't seem that anyone else has this big of a problem. Maybe this is just a curse I have to live with, post treadmill 30 seconds of drunk.

I meet with BW tomorrow. So you'll get to hear (or read?) how that goes. :)

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