Monday, June 17, 2013

Hello There!

It has been a busy 2 and a half weeks! I've been keeping up with my trainer twice a week. My running... well... It's been a little hit or miss, thanks to a busy work schedule and really gross weather.
My last session with my trainer was a reassessment  workout again, goodness a month goes by fast!
Seeing results really makes all the hard work worth it. I can hold a plank for 12 seconds longer and bench press 10 more lbs and squat 30 lbs more!!!

And yesterday I ran my second 5k. Now, this race wasn't exactly planned. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I signed up a little over a week ago. I was bored and decided I needed something to do. Like I said before, my running has been a little hit or miss, so I just decided to wing it! The morning of the race I had a battle with my alarm. At one point I actually decided to just sleep in and forget the race... It was raining and 5:30 in the morning. I was in no mood to leave the comfort of my bed. Thankfully I talked myself into being awesome and running! It was definitely worth it! I did get rained on and I didn't exactly run fast, but it was a good time and I felt great afterwards! Had I slept in I would be regretting it right now.
The beginning of this race was definitely intimidating. There were people everywhere. I think there were like 2000 something people in the race and the street where the starting line was was small. My claustorphobia was getting a workout. People were everywhere stretching and warming up like crazy. Most had like fancy running clothes on, I was there in gym shorts and a t shirt just like hanging out. Once the race started... holy cow. I got clipped by at least 2 crazies with strollers and had to jump out of the way of half a dozen more. So annoying! The race went really well. It was a bit disheartening when I finally reached the 2 mile marker THERE WERE RUNNERS ALREADY RUNNING BACK TO THE START LINE! Overachievers. But I'm sorry, if you are so fast and crazy enough to run all 3.1 miles back to the start line, please, please take another route. Like really. C'mon! But overall it was a great run, so great in fact that I passed up the free ice cream at the finish line!

p.s. I also got a cool finisher medal! I'm all about the hardware!

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